Recap & Corona


Today is Friday, the 3rd of April 2020. This is the first post I am writing for the new decade. So many things have happened since I last wrote, which I cannot remember when was it. 

So, I went back to check. The last time I actually sat down to write something personal on this blog was on November 2016. I wrote if I will be regretting pursuing medicine. Look at me now. Four years later, proudly graduated. Damn... how time flies. But more importantly, not a tinge of regret. 

Definitely feels nostalgic, and cringy to be reading back my old posts. Most of them were rants and complains, about how sad and hard my life was. Now that I looked back, I rolled my eyes... at old-self. What a wimp! But hey, at least I did something right. I documented it. Even though those were foolish little stories, they made me who I am. If I can feel disgusted of my old-self, it means I have grown up. Also, I have forgotten most of the things I wrote. So it was kinda nice to read those memories. Feels like I did not lose them to time. Moving on. 

Let's do some recap - major events happening in my life since 2016. 

2016 - I was in my 3rd Year of medical school, first semester. Year 3 was the starting of my clinical years, so we had to move from the main campus in Samarahan to the Medical campus in Kuching town. This reminds me why I stopped blogging. Medical life had gotten too busy to do anything but studying full time. I remember reading until 2 to 3am every weekday in that shady old musty study room. Sometimes I study with a friend, YK. She was a good study partner, right until she started falling for me. That would have been amazing... if I am straight. I was still very much in the closet that time, so I just kept friendzoning her while she practically scared every other girl friends I have. 

2017 - Entering second semester of Year 3. My batch was posted to study in Sibu for 6 months. UNIMAS has a small campus up in the district of Sibu, attaching to Sibu hospital. It was definitely a memorable six months, with all the dramas a 3rd year could possibly have. Rejected a girl's confession multiple times. Come out eventually to my whole class just to stop girls from chasing me (peace finally!). Found myself some new fujoshi friends (girls obsessed with gays). Hunt down cute handsome doctors and seniors in hospitals with my gay classmate. Went to all the cafes and restaurants available in that small forsaken town. Forced to watch Emma Watson's Beauty and the Beast in the one and only theatre available in town, which is actually more like a huge stage with big screen than a proper cinema. They even gave out handwritten tickets! Time capsule of the past? Well, beggars can't be choosers. Oh ya, and met my first ex in Facebook, but left him after six months. Yeah... definitely dramatic. 

Second half of the year 2017 was my Year 4 first sem. Running around attending to clinics and specialist centres around Kuching. Was a pretty chillax year for us. Just some minor postings here and there. Learned stuffs like ophthalmology, ENT, family meds, radiology, etc. The only one posting I enjoyed very much was Psychiatry. A whole 12 weeks of intense study on psychological medicine. Many people hated it but I found myself gotten so excited about it. I forever remember my first night going for on call with my close guy friend in this Sentosa hospital, a hospital specially for mental patients. Creepy. The housemen there were kind, but naughty. They put us in a room with this manic patient, who could not stop talking. I have no idea how but I still can remember that moment vividly. The arrangement of the furnitures, the sitting arrangement, and that patient's stories... most of it. To many, PSY may seem scary. But once you get the hang of it, psychiatric patients are the most unpredictable and interesting ones. 

2018 - Finishing Year 4 with the most amazing trip in my adult life. I managed to pass the interview and snatched a place to go for a student exchange program in Osaka, Japan. 16 of us interviewed, and four were chosen. Usually the council would pick different races of students to represent the 1 Malaysia blabla. But this year, 4 Chinese students were chosen to represent Malaysia in Japan. I spent two whole months travelling and studying there. I basically went all over the place more than once. I started my journey in Tokyo with my parents, went down to Fuji, (OMG Mt Fuji is so awesome), visited Kyoto, Nara, Kobe and Himeji. Then I stayed in Osaka for my elective program. Made so many wonderful new Japanese friends. First time got SO DRUNK and hungover felt like shit. But we visited some of the most beautiful places, and even did sauna hopping. I got so used to living like a Japanese I could practically walked the stations and roads with my eyes closed, and converse in basic Japanese. After the program, I toured back up from Osaka to Kyoto to Fuji and back to Tokyo. This time with my second ex. Bullet train was so cool, especially when you get to ride it to and fro. I spent all my savings on this trip. Basically broke just from all the theme parks. It was all or none for me. Visited Universal Studio Japan (Hogwarts was breathtaking), Disneyland and DisneySea. 

Next half of 2018 was the beginning of my Final Year in medical school. Also one of the busiest year. I got sooooo busy and invested in my study that my long distance relationship kinda ended. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. (Ended on May 2019 actually, coupled for 18 months)

2019 - All I wanted was to pass my Final Professional Exam. And be done with medical school. Most if not all my friends by now have started working, paying taxes and supporting families. Meanwhile I was still living off my parents and worrying about exams and shit. Thank God all went well. One week before my biggest and most important exam in my entire medical school, I was so stressed out of revisions I gave up. I packed my bags and went straight for a 3D2N church camp at Damai Beach. My classmates thought I was crazy. That trip was definitely well needed. I even saw one of my examiners in that camp and she was like "aren't you supposed to be studying now for your exams?" I honestly do not remember what I replied. We later won grand prize in a game contest and none of us talked about exams anymore. I passed, if that was what you were wondering. I am not a genius. But I can say that I did a pretty good job in my studies. And got to enjoy life. So yea. 2019 was good. After a year of hectic study, went around Penang, Melaka and Ipoh with my family. Definitely enjoyed the time with them, seeing how I had not been home for the past five years. Attended my convocation on October, and started a part time job in UMMC as research assistant. My research was on Post-op delirium for patients above 65 years old. So for the next four months I met geriatrics daily. Learned a lot. And I ticked another thing off my bucket list. (to expose myself in the most prestigious teaching hospital in Malaysia). 

2020 - And here we are. Just 4 months after New Year, so many unfortunate events had taken place. And we thought 2020 would have been better. Forrest fire in Aussie. Ended a miserable 4-month relationship. And now, coronavirus is the #trend, and because of that, all of us are now in quarantined/lockdown at home. They called the restriction movement order (RMO) or MCO. Two weeks had passed, and is supposed to go on for another two weeks. Honestly, I don't know how long I can last but my extroverted ass is getting itchier by the day. My part time barista job in Coffee Ink is being on hold now. So at the mean time, full time as a medical content writer for DoctorOnCall. Hopefully this pandemic can be resolved soon and we can get back to our usual lives. 

Okay. Time to sleep. Ciao! 

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What's going on?

Stories. Memories. Experiences.
Occasional rants.
Sometimes just to brush up my Mandarin.

A medical doctor. Coffee lover.
Having interests in so many things that I can tell what I actually like. Does that make me a hobby hopper?

Expect posts when I have knack for writing. Or if I'm dying, and trying to leave a legacy. Spending too much time on Netflix.